

ocm add componentversions [<options>] [--version <version>] [<ctf archive>] {<component-constructor.yaml>}


      --addenv                 access environment for templating
  -C, --complete               include all referenced component version
  -L, --copy-local-resources   transfer referenced local resources by-value
  -V, --copy-resources         transfer referenced resources by-value
  -c, --create                 (re)create archive
      --dry-run                evaluate and print component specifications
  -F, --file string            target file/directory (default "transport-archive")
  -f, --force                  remove existing content
  -h, --help                   help for componentversions
      --lookup stringArray     repository name or spec for closure lookup fallback
  -O, --output string          output file for dry-run
  -S, --scheme string          schema version (default "v2")
  -s, --settings stringArray   settings file with variable settings (yaml)
      --templater string       templater to use (go, none, spiff, subst) (default "subst")
  -t, --type string            archive format (directory, tar, tgz) (default "directory")
  -v, --version string         default version for components


Add component versions specified by a constructor file to a Common Transport Archive. The archive might be either a directory prepared to host component version content or a tar/tgz file (see option –type).

If option –create is given, the archive is created first. An additional option –force will recreate an empty archive if it already exists.

If option –complete is given all component versions referenced by the added one, will be added, also. Therefore, the –lookup is required to specify an OCM repository to lookup the missing component versions. If additionally the -V is given, the resources of those additional components will be added by value.

The source, resource and reference list can be composed according to the commands ocm add sources, ocm add resources, ocm add references, respectively.

The description file might contain:

  • a single component as shown in the example
  • a list of components under the key components
  • a list of yaml documents with a single component or component list

The optional field meta.configuredSchemaVersion for a component entry can be used to specify a dedicated serialization format to use for the component descriptor. If given it overrides the –schema option of the command. By default, v2 is used.

Various elements support to add arbirary information by using labels (see ocm ocm-labels).

The –type option accepts a file format for the target archive to use. The following formats are supported:

  • directory
  • tar
  • tgz

The default format is directory.

If the option –scheme is given, the specified component descriptor format is used/generated.

The following schema versions are supported for explicit conversions:

  • v2 (default)

All yaml/json defined resources can be templated. Variables are specified as regular arguments following the syntax <name>=<value>. Additionally settings can be specified by a yaml file using the –settings option. With the option –addenv environment variables are added to the binding. Values are overwritten in the order environment, settings file, command line settings.

Note: Variable names are case-sensitive.


<command> <options> -- MY_VAL=test <args>

There are several templaters that can be selected by the –templater option:

  • go go templating supports complex values.

        subkey: "abc {{.MY_VAL}}"
  • none do not do any substitution.

  • spiff spiff templating.

    It supports complex values. the settings are accessible using the binding values.

        subkey: "abc (( values.MY_VAL ))"
  • subst simple value substitution with the drone/envsubst templater.

    It supports string values, only. Complex settings will be json encoded.

        subkey: "abc ${MY_VAL}"

If a component lookup for building a reference closure is required the –lookup option can be used to specify a fallback lookup repository. By default, the component versions are searched in the repository holding the component version for which the closure is determined. For Component Archives this is never possible, because it only contains a single component version. Therefore, in this scenario this option must always be specified to be able to follow component references.

It the option –copy-resources is given, all referential resources will potentially be localized, mapped to component version local resources in the target repository. It the option –copy-local-resources is given, instead, only resources with the relation local will be transferred. This behaviour can be further influenced by specifying a transfer script with the script option family.


$ ocm add componentversions --file ctf --version 1.0 component-constructor.yaml

and a file <code>component-constructor.yaml</code>:

version: 1.0.0
    - name: city
      value: Karlsruhe
  - name: purpose
    value: test

  - name: text
    type: PlainText
      type: file
      path: testdata
  - name: data
    type: PlainText
      type: binary
      data: IXN0cmluZ2RhdGE=

The resource <code>text</code> is taken from a file <code>testdata</code> located
next to the description file.

See Also

  • ocm add — Add elements to a component repository or component version
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