

ocm show versions [<options>] <component> {<version pattern>}


  -h, --help          help for versions
  -l, --latest        show only latest version
      --repo string   repository name or spec
  -s, --semantic      show semantic version


Match versions of a component against some patterns.

If the –repo option is specified, the given names are interpreted relative to the specified repository using the syntax


If no –repo option is specified the given names are interpreted as located OCM component version references:

[<repo type>::]<host>[:<port>][/<base path>]//<component>[:<version>]

Additionally there is a variant to denote common transport archives and general repository specifications

[<repo type>::]<filepath>|<spec json>[//<component>[:<version>]]

The –repo option takes an OCM repository specification:

[<repo type>::]<configured name>|<file path>|<spec json>

For the Common Transport Format the types directory, tar or tgz is possible.

Using the JSON variant any repository types supported by the linked library can be used:

OCI Repository types (using standard component repository to OCI mapping):

  • CommonTransportFormat: v1
  • OCIRegistry: v1
  • oci: v1
  • ociRegistry


$ ocm show versions

See Also