

ocm transfer componentarchive [<options>]  <source> <target>


  -L, --copy-local-resources   transfer referenced local resources by-value
  -V, --copy-resources         transfer referenced resources by-value
      --copy-sources           transfer referenced sources by-value
      --enforce                enforce transport as if target version were not present
  -h, --help                   help for componentarchive
      --lookup stringArray     repository name or spec for closure lookup fallback
      --no-update              don't touch existing versions in target
  -f, --overwrite              overwrite existing component versions
  -t, --type string            archive format (directory, tar, tgz) (default "directory")


Transfer a component archive to some component repository. This might be a CTF Archive or a regular repository. If the type CTF is specified the target must already exist, if CTF flavor is specified it will be created if it does not exist.

Besides those explicitly known types a complete repository spec might be configured, either via inline argument or command configuration file and name.

The –type option accepts a file format for the target archive to use. It is only evaluated if the target archive does not exist yet. The following formats are supported:

  • directory
  • tar
  • tgz

The default format is directory.

If a component lookup for building a reference closure is required the –lookup option can be used to specify a fallback lookup repository. By default, the component versions are searched in the repository holding the component version for which the closure is determined. For Component Archives this is never possible, because it only contains a single component version. Therefore, in this scenario this option must always be specified to be able to follow component references.

With the option –no-update existing versions in the target repository will not be touched at all. An additional specification of the option –overwrite is ignored. By default, updates of volatile (non-signature-relevant) information is enabled, but the modification of non-volatile data is prohibited unless the overwrite option is given.

It the option –overwrite is given, component versions in the target repository will be overwritten, if they already exist, but with different digest. It the option –enforce is given, component versions in the target repository will be transported as if they were not present on the target side, regardless of their state (this is independent on their actual state, even identical versions are re-transported).

It the option –copy-resources is given, all referential resources will potentially be localized, mapped to component version local resources in the target repository. It the option –copy-local-resources is given, instead, only resources with the relation local will be transferred. This behaviour can be further influenced by specifying a transfer script with the script option family.

It the option –copy-sources is given, all referential sources will potentially be localized, mapped to component version local resources in the target repository. This behaviour can be further influenced by specifying a transfer script with the script option family.

See Also