

ocm verify componentversions [<options>] {<component-reference>}


      --                          enable verification store
      --ca-cert stringArray       additional root certificate authorities (for signing certificates)
  -c, --constraints constraints   version constraint
  -h, --help                      help for componentversions
  -I, --issuer stringArray        issuer name or distinguished name (DN) (optionally for dedicated signature) ([<name>:=]<dn>)
      --keyless                   use keyless signing
      --latest                    restrict component versions to latest
  -L, --local                     verification based on information found in component versions, only
      --lookup stringArray        repository name or spec for closure lookup fallback
  -K, --private-key stringArray   private key setting
  -k, --public-key stringArray    public key setting
      --repo string               repository name or spec
  -s, --signature stringArray     signature name
      --verified string           file used to remember verifications for downloads (default "~/.ocm/verified")
  -V, --verify                    verify existing digests


Verify signature of specified component versions.

If no signature name is given, only the digests are validated against the registered ones at the component version.

If the option –constraints is given, and no version is specified for a component, only versions matching the given version constraints (semver are selected. With –latest only the latest matching versions will be selected.

If the –repo option is specified, the given names are interpreted relative to the specified repository using the syntax


If no –repo option is specified the given names are interpreted as located OCM component version references:

[<repo type>::]<host>[:<port>][/<base path>]//<component>[:<version>]

Additionally there is a variant to denote common transport archives and general repository specifications

[<repo type>::]<filepath>|<spec json>[//<component>[:<version>]]

The –repo option takes an OCM repository specification:

[<repo type>::]<configured name>|<file path>|<spec json>

For the Common Transport Format the types directory, tar or tgz is possible.

Using the JSON variant any repository types supported by the linked library can be used:

OCI Repository types (using standard component repository to OCI mapping):

  • CommonTransportFormat: v1
  • OCIRegistry: v1
  • oci: v1
  • ociRegistry

The –public-key and –private-key options can be used to define public and private keys on the command line. The options have an argument of the form [<name>=]<filepath>. The optional name specifies the signature name the key should be used for. By default, this is the signature name specified with the option –signature.

Alternatively a key can be specified as base64 encoded string if the argument start with the prefix ! or as direct string with the prefix =.

If the verification store is enabled, resources downloaded from signed or verified component versions are verified against their digests provided by the component version.(not supported for using downloaders for the resource download).

The usage of the verification store is enabled by or by specifying a verification file with –verified.

If a component lookup for building a reference closure is required the –lookup option can be used to specify a fallback lookup repository. By default, the component versions are searched in the repository holding the component version for which the closure is determined. For Component Archives this is never possible, because it only contains a single component version. Therefore, in this scenario this option must always be specified to be able to follow component references.


$ ocm verify componentversion --signature mysig --public-key=pub.key

See Also

  • ocm verify — Verify component version signatures