Transport OCM Component Versions

The section Bundle Composed Components explained how to bundle multiple component version into a transport archive.

During the transfer, it is possible to include component references as local blobs. It is also possible to include references in a recursive way.

Here is an example of a recursive transfer from one OCI registry to another, which includes resources and references:

ocm transfer componentversion --recursive --copy-resources another-registry/
  transferring version ""...
    transferring version ""...
    ...resource 0 toiimage[ociImage](
    ...resource 1 toiexecutor[toiExecutor]...
    ...adding component version...
  ...resource 0 package[toiPackage]...
  ...resource 1 chart[helmChart](
  ...resource 2 image[ociImage](google-containers/echoserver:1.10)...
  ...resource 3 config-example[yaml]...
  ...resource 4 creds-example[yaml]...
  ...adding component version...
  2 versions transferred

The OCM CLI’s transfer command can be used to transfer component versions, component archives, transport archives, and artifacts. See ocm transfer -h for more information.

More examples on the transport archive and the common transfer format (CTF) can be found in the ocm-spec.