About the OCM Project

The Open Component Model (OCM) project provides an open standard for describing software artifacts and lifecycle metadata, with the purpose to securely deliver and deploy software products. It facilitates asynchronous handling of various lifecycle management processes, such as compliance checks, security scans, deployments, and more, in a decoupled and streamlined manner. OCM provides the ability to deliver software securely, consistently, and compliantly across cloud, on-prem, hybrid and air-gapped environments.

Below are the main projects, but please also check out the others in our Github org.

  • OCM Specification - The ocm-spec repository contains the OCM specification, which provides a formal description of OCM and its format to describe software artifacts and a storage layer to persist those and make them accessible from remote.
  • OCM Core Library - The ocm core library contains an API for interacting with OCM elements. A guided tour on how to work with the library can be found here.
  • OCM CLI - With the ocm command line interface end users can interact with OCM elements, helping them create component versions and embed them in CI and CD processes. Examples can be found in this Makefile.
  • OCM Controller - The ocm-controllers are designed to enable the automated deployment of software using the Open Component Model and Flux.
  • OCM Website - The ocm-website you are currently visiting. It is built using Hugo and hosted on Netlify.