The OCM Community


You can stay updated with OCM’s latest advancements, join our active conversations, and delve into our enhancement proposals on each project’s GitHub issues page specifically for OCM.

If you’re just starting with OCM, we recommend beginning with the ‘good first issue’ label in our repositories.

Ready to contribute directly to OCM? Whether adding code, writing tests, or assisting with our documentation, please adhere to the guidelines provided in the ‘contributing’ documentation of the relevant OCM repository.


Join #open-component-model on Kubernetes Slack and talk to us and other community members.

Kubernetes Slack Membership

If you aren’t already a member on the Kubernetes Slack workspace, please request an invitation.

Our team is passionate about delving into diverse deployment processes, exploring patterns, aiding in design, and troubleshooting issues. Who knows? Your inquiry might inspire the development of the next OCM feature!

Community Meetings

The OCM team holds regular community meetings to discuss new developments in the project and any topics of interest to the Open Component Model community. Please monitor the OCM slack channel for announcement notices.

Please consult our community documentation for more details about the Open Component Model Community.